Read and Understand our Local Regulations and USTA Regulations before each season.
This is a requirement for ALL CAPTAINS.
Always check your schedule on Tennislink for accuracy.
Match Schedule At a Glance
15 minutes after the scheduled time of the individual match if a court is available.
Yes. If teams have reported for play and the match is delayed or interrupted by rain, teams must wait 30 minutes to determine if courts are playable. If courts are still not playable after 30 minutes, teams are free to leave and reschedule unless both teams agree to wait longer. Any player may deem a court unsafe to play. This applies even for makeup matches. Local Rules and Regulations Section VII.
Once the rained-out match has been rescheduled, the day and time stand. The teams are expected to play that position at that time with any eligible player(s). If a team cannot play the position on the agreed rescheduled date, they default that individual match. Both captains should contact their Level Rep. with the agreed upon date and time to prevent problems.
If you know in advance of the match that you will be short players, you must default from the bottom up (3 doubles). If you do not know in advance and your players don’t show up, default the position they were to play, but don’t move players around on the scorecard. Please refer to CCTA's local rules and regulations, Section VI.
If it discovered that a player(s) is on the wrong court in an individual match before the first game of all matches affected has been completed, players are to go to the correct courts and begin the matches over. If the discovery occurs after the first game is completed, the matches will be completed as started and count as matches played in good faith.
If you have a reasonable suspicion that a person is not who they claim to be, take a picture of them and file a written local grievance (within 24 hours of the match)